Narra la historia de la memorable promoción lanzada para la venta de televisores durante las eliminatorias de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA Rusia 2018 que mantuvo en vilo a la sociedad argentina; una empresa de televisores prometió devolver el dinero a todos aquellos que hubieran comprado un aparato suyo, y sus ventas se dispararon.
During World War II, Germany looks to its last remaining weapons and soldiers to defeat the Allies. Led by Capt. Hans Kessler, a grizzled submarine commander, the German navy sends U-boats across the sea for a daring mission to attack the U.S. homeland. Meanwhile, the American military devises its own strategy to hunt down and
Therapist, Alan Strauss, is held prisoner by a patient, Sam Fortner, who reveals himself to be a serial killer. Sam has an unusual therapeutic demand for Alan: curb his homicidal urges. In order to survive, Alan must unwind Sam’s disturbed mind and stop him from killing again but Sam refuses to address critical topics, like